Notable News

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هدية وفاء ومحبة من الأب نقولا سميرة للأب جرمانوس

by Emile Sabbagh

مساء الخميس العظيم المقدس وبعد الانتهاء من خدمة قراءة الأناجيل قام الأب نقولا سميرة بمبادرة رعائية ملفتة إذ قدم للأب جرمانوس صليبا هدية منه عربونا للوفاء والمحبة والشكر… كل ذلك تم وسط تصفيق المؤمنين الحار وترتيل جوقة المرتلين: “إحفظ يا رب، مباركنا ومخلصنا إلى أعوام عديدة”. فيا أبونا نقولا، لقد أهديت الصليب إلى راع أمضى […]

Mr. Elias Mitri El Murr passing to the heavenly kingdom

by Website committee

On Sunday, December 18 (2016), Mr. Elias El Murr, the distinguished Psalmist passed away to the merciful God after having spent fifty and more years in our Church devoting his throat for recitation and invocation to the Creator and to all Fathers, Saints and Martyrs who had lit the path. His great voice is still […]

Jocelyne ran in the 2016 Marathon

by Website committee

Jocelyne Akkoum Khacho, the wife of our main chanter Elie, ran in the 2016 Marathon which took place on November 13, 2016. Bravo! Jocelyne ran 42,195 km in 4 hours 5 minutes and 12 seconds which is an improvement of 46 minutes from last year.  Amazing result!  

تخرج رفيق عبود

by Website committee

مبروك التخرج  لرفيق عبود (الذي هو أحد ألأعضاء الأساسيين في جوقة كنيستنا) من مدرسة القديس رومانوس المرنم للموسيقى الكنسية وقد حازا على درجة جيد جداً و نتمنى له التوفيق والنجاح والصحة وألأمان

Gladys Khairallah’s  Graduation

by Emile Sabbagh

    Gladys Khairallah, one of our Christian Education mentors, graduated with honors (Bachelor of Arts Degree) from the  Lebanese American University (LAU) on June 11, 2016. Congratulations!  All the best of luck for a bright future.

Hanna and Cinderella Got Married

by Website committee

On  June 8, 2016, , Hanna Salloum and Cinderella Nahra  were united in  holy matrimony at our church.  Family and friends filled the church wishing the couple a blessed, long life together.

Dr. Lamia Rustum Shehadeh Honored

by Website committee

On   March 8, 2016,  on the occasion of International Women’s Day,  Dr. Lamia Rustum Shehadeh was honored by the  Cultural Movement in the  in the auditorium of the Mar Elias  Church center in Antelias.   The meeting was moderated by Dr. Thereze Doueihy Hatem and Mr. Sam Manasseh who offered the introductory speech about the honoree. […]

“Rocks and Sand” a new book by Frieda Haddad Abs

by Website committee

“Rocks and Sand” is a new book by Frieda Haddad Abs.  Its subtitle introduces us to the atmosphere of the book:”The tune of a Song the Words of Which lay forgotten” with an added clarification: “Tracing the pathway of a soul that has shaken off the dust of war that had enshrouded it as it […]

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